echo "Benchmarking GNAL spiral generation" VERSION=`bash ./scripts/` CPU=`bash ./scripts/` DATE=`date -u +%s` #timestamp in seconds NOTES="./notes/benchmark.csv" ROTATIONS=( 1 2 5 10 20 ) DIAMETERS=( 47 225 300 ) COMPLETE=( 40 60 ) mkdir -p benchmark if test -f "${NOTES}"; then echo "Benchmark file exists" else echo "version,cpu,date,source,diameter,rotations,fn,size,facets,volume,time" > $NOTES fi for SPIRAL in ./spiral/*.scad do FILENAME=`basename ${SPIRAL}` echo "Rendering ${SPIRAL}..." for ROT in "${ROTATIONS[@]}" do : for D in "${DIAMETERS[@]}" do : echo "Rendering ${SPIRAL} for ${ROT} rotations @ ${D}mm" #TMP=`mktemp` TMP="benchmark/${FILENAME}_${D}_${ROT}_100" if test -f "${TMP}.stl"; then echo "Benchmark for ${TMP} exists" else start=`date +%s` openscad -o "${TMP}.stl" -D N=${ROT} -D D=${D} -D FN=100 "${SPIRAL}" end=`date +%s` runtime=$((end-start)) size=`wc -c < "${TMP}.stl"` size=`echo $size | xargs` ao=`admesh -c "${TMP}.stl"` facets=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of facets" | awk '{print $5}'` volume=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of parts" | awk '{print $8}'` line="${VERSION},${CPU},${DATE},${FILENAME},${D},${ROT},100,$size,$facets,$volume,$runtime" echo $line echo $line >> $NOTES fi #rm "${TMP}.stl" done done for C in "${COMPLETE[@]}" do : echo "Rendering complete ${SPIRAL} with ${C} rotations" #TMP=`mktemp` TMP="benchmark/${FILENAME}_${D}_${C}_100" if test -f "${TMP}.stl"; then echo "Benchmark for ${TMP} exists" else start=`date +%s` openscad -o "${TMP}.stl" -D N=${C} -D D=47 -D FN=100 "${SPIRAL}" end=`date +%s` runtime=$((end-start)) size=`wc -c < "${TMP}.stl"` size=`echo $size | xargs` ao=`admesh -c "${TMP}.stl"` facets=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of facets" | awk '{print $5}'` volume=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of parts" | awk '{print $8}'` line="${VERSION},${CPU},${DATE},${FILENAME},${D},${C},100,$size,$facets,$volume,$runtime" echo $line >> $NOTES echo $line #rm "${TMP}.stl" fi done done