D=300; // start diameter N=1; // number of spirals FN=100; $fn=FN; include <../libraries/path_extrude.scad>; /** * Distinction from spiral_3: use of for loop and union to join rotations. **/ module spiral (count = 40, start_d = 48, spacing = 2.075) { facet_size = 30; bottom = 1.2; top = .4; top_offset = (bottom - top); h = 2.2; od = start_d + (spacing * 2 * count); echo("SPIRAL LENGTH", PI * count * (od + start_d + 1) / 2); echo("OUTER D", od); facetProfile = [[0, 0], [top_offset, -h], [bottom, -h], [bottom, 0]]; union () { for (s = [0 : count - 1]) { d = start_d + (s * spacing * 2); c = PI * pow(d / 2, 2); $fn = ceil( c / facet_size ); angle_i = 360 / $fn; increment = spacing / $fn; spiralPath = [ for(t = [0 : $fn + 1]) [((d / 2) + (t * increment)) * cos(t * angle_i), ((d / 2) + (t * increment)) * sin(t * angle_i), 0] ]; path_extrude(exShape=facetProfile, exPath=spiralPath); } } } spiral(N, D);