#!/bin/bash V="v3" echo "Rendering GNAL ${V}" VERSION=`bash ./scripts/version.sh` CPU=`bash ./scripts/cpu.sh` DIST=./stl IMG=./img NOTES=./notes/${V}.csv #"quarter_a" "quarter_b" "quarter_c" "quarter_d" #quarter pieces not rendering properly FILES=( "spindle_bottom" "spindle_top" "spacer" "top" "spiral" "insert_s8" "insert_16" "spacer_16" ) SIZES=( "50ft" "100ft" ) mkdir -p $DIST echo "version,cpu,file,file_hash,file_size,source_hash,source_size,facets,volume,render_time" > $NOTES for SIZE in "${SIZES[@]}" do : mkdir -p "${DIST}/${SIZE}_${V}" scad="${SIZE}_${V}/gnal_${SIZE}.scad" srchash=`sha256sum "${scad}" | awk '{ print $1 }'` srcsize=`wc -c < "${scad}"` srcsize=`echo $srcsize | xargs` for FILE in "${FILES[@]}" do : stl="${DIST}/${SIZE}_${V}/gnal_${SIZE}_${FILE}.stl" png="${IMG}/gnal_${SIZE}_${V}_${FILE}.png" echo "${scad} - ${FILE}" start=`date +%s` if [[ "${SIZE}" == "100ft" ]]; then openscad -o "$stl" -D "PART=\"${FILE}\"" -D "FN=800" "${scad}" else openscad -o "$stl" -D "PART=\"${FILE}\"" -D "FN=600" "${scad}" fi end=`date +%s` runtime=$((end-start)) fileSize=`wc -c < "$stl"` fileSize=`echo $fileSize | xargs` if ! [ -x "$(command -v admesh)" ]; then facets="N/A" volume="N/A" else firstline=`head -n 1 "$stl"` if [[ $firstline == solid* ]]; then #convert from ascii to binary admesh -c -b "$stl" "$stl" newSize=`wc -c < "$stl"` newSize=`echo $newSize | xargs` percent=`echo "scale=1;($newSize/$fileSize)*100" | bc` fileSize="${newSize}" echo "Binary conversion created STL file ${percent}% of original" fi ao=`admesh -c "$stl"` facets=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of facets" | awk '{print $5}'` volume=`echo "$ao" | grep "Number of parts" | awk '{print $8}'` fi hash=`sha256sum "$stl" | awk '{ print $1 }'` line="${VERSION},${CPU},$stl,$hash,$fileSize,$srchash,$srcsize,$facets,$volume,$runtime" echo "$line" >> $NOTES echo "$line" echo "Rendering image of ${stl}..." if [[ "${FILE}" == "spiral" ]]; then tmp=`mktemp` fullPath=`realpath "${stl}"` data="import(\"${fullPath}\");" echo data > "${tmp}.scad" openscad -o "$png" --imgsize=1920,1080 --colorscheme=DeepOcean "${tmp}.scad" else openscad -o "$png" --imgsize=1920,1080 --colorscheme=DeepOcean -D "PART=\"${FILE}\"" "${scad}" fi done # zip all zip -x ".*" -r "./releases/gnal_${SIZE}_v3.zip" "./stl/${SIZE}_v3/" # tar all tar --exclude=".*" -czvf "./releases/gnal_${SIZE}_v3.tar.gz" "./stl/${SIZE}_v3/" done