D=300; // start diameter N=1; // number of spirals FN=100; $fn=FN; include <../libraries/path_extrude.scad>; bottom = 1.2; top = .3; top_offset = (bottom - top); h = 2.2; facetProfile = [[0, 0], [top_offset, -h], [bottom, -h], [bottom, 0]]; function X (start_r, spacing, fn, r, i) = (start_r + (r * spacing) + (i * calcIncrement(spacing, fn))) * cos(i * calcAngle(fn)); function Y (start_r, spacing, fn, r, i) = (start_r + (r * spacing) + (i * calcIncrement(spacing, fn))) * sin(i * calcAngle(fn)); function circ (d) = PI * d; function calcFacetSize (end_d, fn) = circ( end_d ) / fn; //function calcSteps(rotations, fn) = fn * rotations; function calcAngle (fn) = 360 / fn; function calcFn(start_d, start_fn, end_d, spacing, r) = start_fn + ( ((circ(calcR(start_d, spacing, r) * 2) - circ(start_d) ) / (circ(end_d) - circ(start_d))) * ($fn - start_fn)); function calcR(start_d, spacing, r) = (start_d / 2) + (spacing * r); function calcIncrement(spacing, fn) = spacing / fn; /** * spiral_7 - Combination of spiral_3 and spiral_4 that doesn't sacrifice * performance. Hits an overflow when $fn is higher than 245 which creates * 8418 vectors at 60 rotations. This is an edge case, only appearing in OpenSCAD * 2019.05 (and maybe earlier), but should be explored. **/ module spiral (rotations = 40, start_d = 48, spacing = 2.075, fn) { end_d = start_d + (spacing * 2 * rotations); end_r = end_d / 2; start_r = start_d / 2; facetSize = calcFacetSize(end_d, fn); start_fn = round(circ(start_d) / facetSize); echo(facetSize); spiralPath = [ for (r = [0 : rotations - 1]) for (i = [0 : round(calcFn(start_d, start_fn, end_d, spacing, r )) - 1 ]) [ X(start_r, spacing, round(calcFn(start_d, start_fn, end_d, spacing, r )), r, i), Y(start_r, spacing, round(calcFn(start_d, start_fn, end_d, spacing, r )), r, i), 0] ]; echo(len(spiralPath)); path_extrude(exShape=facetProfile, exPath=spiralPath); } spiral(N, D, 2.075, $fn);